lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Literature 02/ Assignment #2 Modernist Literature / Christian Beltran

1.Which 2 readings did you complete from the reading list provided (or from your own selections)?

Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad and The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe

2.Based on these readings, compare (3 examples) and contrast (3 examples) the works you read with the themes from the ppt presentations in class on Modernist Culture and Literature.

Conrad’s prose is very descriptive and informative. He portrays terrifying images and conveys horrifying truths in a mystic voice that contrasts effectively with the true horrors of his message. Foreshadowing and suspense is used to heighten this exciting novel.
Conrad deals in this novel with the dark heart of mankind, a topic he seems to enjoy writing about. He tells us that man in inherently evil and his evils is only masked by civilization.

3.Do you feel the works you read are very good or excellent representations of Modernist Literature? Why/Why Not?

Both readings are ideal representation of modernist literature because writers show the best aspect of modernist “and they give some specific characteristics about them, they are excellent representations and so exiting to the lectors

4. Would you recommend the readings to friends or family? Why/Why Not?
Absolutely, I would positively recommend to some person, because these books talk about war and political novel and they are so interesting topics to refer, it is an amazing topic to recommend and the miscellaneous readings are really interesting and I think my friends enjoy with them

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