sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009

Literature II /Assignment #3: PostModernist Literature/Beltran christian

1. Which 2 readings did you choose, and why did you choose them?

• Chatwin, B. The Songlines,

• Crash

They were so exiting.

2. Are these readings very good or excellent examples of post-modernist literature, basing your analysis on the ppt presentations given in class? Why/Why Not?

Yes, because thew were so interesting books and they had a emocional sories in Vich we can find different topics.
For example CRASH explores themes such as the transformation of human psychology by modern technology, and consumer culture's fascination with celebrities and technological commodities. The human characters in the novel are cold and passionless, unable to become sexually excited unless some kind of technology is involved (typically architecture and cars).

3. Of all the readings you did this semester, which one was your favourite? Why?

It was one of the most important and significant readings that I saw. The central concept then branches out from Aboriginal culture, as Chatwin combines evidence gained there with preconceived ideas on the early evolution of man, and argues that on the African Savannah we were a migratory species, moving solely on foot, hunted by a dominant brute predator in the form of a big cat.

4. Of the 3 time periods we looked at this semester (Victorian, Modernist & Post-Modernist), which did you enjoy the most? Why.

If I want to soez one of these three periods I cose the postmodernism, because his constibution is fantastic, it is an aesthetic, literary, political or social philosophy, which was the basis of the attempt to describe a condition, or a state of being, or something concerned with changes to institutions and conditions, in other words, postmodernism is the "cultural and intellectual phenomenon.
It was something completly new for me, and interesting to study it.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Literature 02/ Assignment #2 Modernist Literature / Christian Beltran

1.Which 2 readings did you complete from the reading list provided (or from your own selections)?

Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad and The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe

2.Based on these readings, compare (3 examples) and contrast (3 examples) the works you read with the themes from the ppt presentations in class on Modernist Culture and Literature.

Conrad’s prose is very descriptive and informative. He portrays terrifying images and conveys horrifying truths in a mystic voice that contrasts effectively with the true horrors of his message. Foreshadowing and suspense is used to heighten this exciting novel.
Conrad deals in this novel with the dark heart of mankind, a topic he seems to enjoy writing about. He tells us that man in inherently evil and his evils is only masked by civilization.

3.Do you feel the works you read are very good or excellent representations of Modernist Literature? Why/Why Not?

Both readings are ideal representation of modernist literature because writers show the best aspect of modernist “and they give some specific characteristics about them, they are excellent representations and so exiting to the lectors

4. Would you recommend the readings to friends or family? Why/Why Not?
Absolutely, I would positively recommend to some person, because these books talk about war and political novel and they are so interesting topics to refer, it is an amazing topic to recommend and the miscellaneous readings are really interesting and I think my friends enjoy with them

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Shakespeare and Early Modern English/ Christian beltran

Shakespeare and Early Modern English/ Christian beltran

1. Define and explain, The Great Vowel Shift.

A series of phonetic changes occurring in Early Modern English in which the Middle English low and mid long vowels were raised, (ä) and (ō) becoming (ā) and (ū), for example, while the high long vowels (ē) and (ū) became the diphthongs (ī) and (ou).

2. Name 5 dialects of Modern English.

-New Zealand English
-American English
-Australian English
-Canadian English
-Indo-Pakistani English

3. One of the problems with Early Modern English was a lack of uniformity in spelling. Which 2 people (1-English, 1-American) helped establish standardized spelling?

Samuel Johnson, English
Noah Webster, American

4. How many countries in the world have given Modern English official status?

12 countries.

5. the most recent statistics show that approximately how many people speak Modern English as a: I. First language? II. Second Language?

There are over 508 million speakers.

6. When was Early Modern English spoken?

It was spoken since the Great Vowel Shift

7. How are the use of Pronouns different between Early Modern & Modern English?

The fate of the second person pronouns [i.e. you and thou and thee] in the history of English. This story illustrates the interaction of morphological change and social factors. The fact that personal pronouns exist in most of the world's known languages has persuaded linguists that pronominal reference to speaker, addressee and a third person [i.e. he, she, it, they] is a universal feature of human language. This statement suggests that the system of pronominal reference is fundamentally stable.

8. Which language families does Modern English belong in?

American English, Australian English, British English, Canadian English, Caribbean English, Hiberno-English, Indo-Pakistani English, New Zealand English, Philippine English, Singaporean English, and South African English.

9. Name 4 worldwide uses for Modern English.
There are:
-Business relations

10. In your opinion, what was the greatest influence on the spread of Modern English around the world? Why?
One of the most influential countries in the world is USA. Therefore I think this country have a lot of resposabiliy on the spread of modern English, because one of the biggest economy in the world is getting by USA

11. There has been a lot of controversy over the true authorship of Shakespeare's writings. Which 3 people are also candidates as the possible authors of Shakespeare's plays?

They are Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, William Stanley and Edward de Vere.

12. Briefly explain The Oxfordian Theory.

Oxfordians point to the acclaim of Oxford's contemporaries regarding his talent as a poet and a playwright, his reputation as a concealed poet, and his connections to London theatre and the contemporary playwrights of Shakespeare's day.

13. Shakespeare wrote 38 plays, which according to the Folio Classification, fall into 3 categories. Name the 3 categories.

There are:


14. In which town was Shakespeare born?

Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon.

15. Which famous London theatre (built by actors, for actors) is connected with Shakespeare's plays?

The Blackfriars indoor theatre

16. Even though Richard III is the most performed play, Hamlet is Shakespeare's most famous play. In your opinion, what does this portion of Hamlet's famous soliloquy mean:

Richard III is the most performed play, Hamlet is Shakespeare's most famous play. In your opinion, what does this portion of Hamlet's famous soliloquy mean:

17. Name 5 post-Shakespearean artists whose work was heavily influenced by the writings of William Shakespeare.

-Henry Fuseli, William Faulkner, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens, Herman Melville.

18. Which of Shakespeare's plays are included in The Wars of the Roses series?

-Henry VI
-Edward IV
-Edward V
-Richard III
-Henry VII

19. Shakespeare wrote most of his works in blank verse composed in iambic pentameter. What is blank verse & iambic pentameter?

Blank verse: it is distinguished by having a regular meter, but no rhyme. In English, the meter most commonly used with blank verse has been iambic pentameter.

Iambic pentameter: it used in poetry and drama. It describes a particular rhythm that the words established in each line. That rhythm is measured in small groups of syllables; these small groups of syllables are called "feet". The word "iambic" describes the type of foot that is used. The word "pentameter" indicates that a line has five of these "feet".

20. Name 4 actors from Shakepeare's original company.

The original cast Barbara Barrie (Sarah) Charles Braswell (Larry) Susan Browning (April) George Coe (David) Steve Elmore (Paul) Beth Howland (Amy)

21. What were the Wars of the Roses (1377-1485)?

The Wars of the Roses were a series of bloody dynastic civil wars between supporters of the rival houses of Lancaster and York, for the throne of England. They are generally accepted to have been fought in several spasmodic episodes between 1455 and 1487

22. Why was this war called the Wars of the Roses?

Because the war of the roses has origins in the badges associated with the two royal houses.

23. What were the names of the 2 houses which fought in this war?

The two royal houses,
the White Rose of York
the Red Rose of Lancaster

24. What prompted this civil war to begin?

The antagonism between the two houses started with the overthrow of King Richard II by his cousin, Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Lancaster, in 1399. Richard its government had been highly unpopular and Bolingbroke returned from exile, initially to reclaim his rights as Duke of Lancaster. With the support of most of the nobles, Bolingbroke then deposed Richard and was crowned as Henry IV

25. How did the war end?

Edward then reigned peacefully until his death (1483), but his uncle, Edward IV’s youngest brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester, usurped the throne as Richard III. The alienated nobles threw their support behind Henry Tudor, tuberculosis in 1509.

26. Which Kings of England were participants in the Wars of the
- King Edward IV
- King Henry VI
- Richard III
- Edward V
- Henry VII

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Composition I /Reading Assignment #3/ Thesis & Dissertation / Beltran, Christian

1. What do the words thesis and dissertation, mean?
Thesis a document that presents the author's research and findings and is submitted in support of candidature for a degree or professional qualification
The dissertation is an oral presentation, mostly based on a written work and thesis means a stament or an opinion but based in an investigation that is discussed and presented with evidence in order to prove that it is true.

2. What is the difference between a thesis and a dissertation?
Both are written discourses on a given subject. Thesis implies that original research is involved. Dissertation implies that you have looked into something and are setting down what you have found and are perhaps including your thoughts on it..
3. List 10 (ten) components of a thesis.
.Title, abstract, a table of contents, a body, materials and methods, introduccion, motivation, problem, action plan, results, conclusions and Bibliography.

4. Define the following terms:
A). Title page: Is the general
B) Abstract: It contains problem and solutions, describing ideas
C) Table of contents: It indicates the topic and it’s correspond page. It is a guide.
D) Annotated bibliography: Is a list of references to guide to the reader.
E) Introduction: Is a information about the topic of your research
F) Materials and methods: Materials is the information that we're going to use
G) Results: show the finals things that we already researched, answering the initial question

5. What is a style guide?
It is a standards format, model and recommendations for the presentation.
6. What is an examining committee?
The members of the examining committee and at the end of the thesis they act as a jury at the oral examination in the thesis.

7. In Canada, how many pages is the average undergraduate thesis?
A typical thesis has 70 and 100 pages.
8. What are the 4 verdicts, you can receive on your thesis?
Accepted: pass with no corrections.
The thesis must be revised.
Extensive revision required.

9. What is a thesis committee?
It's a committee formed for 3 o more members so they are the people who will check your thesis

10. Describe the process of submission of the thesis?
After the oral exame. Students have to give a copy of the thesis to the thesis committee and the head's students department.

11. Define the term, thesis statement.
The thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about.

12. Now that you've answered these questions, do you feel that writing a thesis will be hell? Explain.

I think thesis writing is really interesting because is the best way yo aquiere a new knowledge "the real knowledge" then I think it is not so hell, I know that it will be complicated, but it is not the hell

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Composition I /Biography Paragraph/ Beltran Christian

Happy Boy

I found a good boy to write about him. Because, I consider that play some sports is very important for the health. He has played soccer and tennis since he was a little boy. Religious is something important in his life because here he has found the real and whole happiness. If we want to say something about him we should say that to be a good person is so easy.

Funny boy

I found a good man; I think he is a cheerful person who enjoys the life
He has a little son and he loves him, 7 years ago he changed his life, this was the best moment in his lifetime

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Assignment #2/ Literature 1 Middle English/Beltran, Christian

1. Approximately when was Middle English spoken?

It was spoken during the Norman invasion

2. What were the major factors which led to the development and the spread of Middle English?

The introduction of the printing press into England by William Caxton

3. Match the following Old English words with their Anglo-Norman equivalent:

A. Pig / pork
B. Cow / beef
C. Wood / forest
D. Sheep / mutton
E. House / mansion
F. Worthy / honourable
G. Bold / corageous

4. Compare & contrast the structure of nouns, pronouns and verbs, between Middle English & Modern English.
For example, engel (angel) and nome (name).


the first person singular of verbs in the present tense ends in -e ("ich here" = "I hear"), the second person in -(e)st ("þou spekest" -

5. How is pronunciation different between Middle English and Modern English?

all letters in Middle English words were pronounced

6. What is the Chancery Standard, and how did it come into effect?

- It was a written form of English used by government bureaucracy

7. Who wrote the Canterbury Tales?

- The Canterbury Tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer

8. Describe the medieval pilgrims who journeyed from Canterbury to London.
- They are 29 pilgrims who go from London to Canterbury.
The group is describe in detail , with characters from all classes, upper and lower

9. Why did the pilgrims take this journey?

- To pay respects to the tomb of Saint Thomas Becket.

10. It is thought that some of the stories in The Canterbury Tales originated in Italy. What was the name of the Italian book and who wrote it?

- The name of the book is "The Decameron" and it was written by Giovanni Boccaccio.

11. The Canterbury Tales is considered an extremely important book, both in terms of English Literature & in the history of English writing. In your opinion, why is this book so important?
- It is important because it talks about people from all classes
- The book was written in Middle English

12. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is:

a- medieval romance poem

13. Who is Sir Gawain?
- Sir Gawain is the youngest of Arthur's knights and nephew to the king.

14. What is the challenge that The Green Knight proposes to the Knights of the Round Table?
- He asks for someone in the court to strike him once with his axe

15. What is the similarity between Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the Irish tale of Cúchulainn?
- The tale of Cùchuñainn paralels Gawain in that Cúchulainn's antagonist feints three blows with the axe before letting his target depart without injury.

16. What is the importance of the pentagram/pentangle in the poem?

The pentagram/pentangle is Gawain's shield is seen by many critics as signifying Gawain's perfection and power over evil

17. How are numbers used to symbolize events in the poem?

the events and some other things in the poem, as virtues,

"The five points of the pentangle, represent Gawain's virtues, for he is "faithful five ways and five times each"

18. What is the significance of Sir Gawain's neck wound?

The neck was believed to correlate with the part of the soul related to will connect the reasoning part (the head) and the courageous part (the heart).

19. Which actor played The Green Knight in the film adaptation, Sword of the Valiant?

Sean Connery.

20. In many ways this poem is, in the modern sense, a soap opera. Compare Sir Gawain and the Green Knight with a modern Chilean teleseries.
- The only connection I can see between the poem and the Chilean soap operas, is the ways to express ideas

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009


1. What are some of the fears these highly successful writers have about writing?

When they start writing the book, they don't know if the book will be successful, they try to write several times. they have a lot of doubts in the success of this book

2. What are some of the difficulties they have when they are writing?

They have a lot ideas but they don’t know how to began the story

3. What are some of the positive aspects to writing?

They investigate the different ways in the life and the time that they spend doing this, the passion!

4. Do you feel these authors enjoy being writers? Why?

Yes, definitely they are so happy doing thins, because they love it, I think they find a great motivation to write

5. Is reading an important facet of writing? Why?

Ye, because, when I read different stories I can get more knowledge and different forms to write, improving your language, grammar and vocabulary.

6. in your opinion, what are the 3 most important things which will make your writing successful?

1. – I must to be creative and dedicate a lot of time to this one
2. – I need to write an interesting writing, with an amazing topic.
3. – the principal idea has to be clear and interesting for the reader.

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

COMPOSITION 1 / ASSIGNMENT 1/ topic or introductory sentence / BELTRAN, CHRISTIAN



Noun: Aword refering to a person, place, or thing

Verb: A word used to describe an occion

A word adding information about a noun

A word adding information, about an adjetive, verb or other adverb

A word used to connect words or clauses

A word used with a noun or pronoun to show place, preposition, time or method

Subject of a sentence:
The subject of a sentence is the thing or person in the sentence doing the action.

Object of a sentence:
the object is the person or things that receive the action in a sentence.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009


1.When was Old English spoken?
Old English was spoken between the mid-5th and the mid-12th century.

2. Name 4 language groups which influenced the development of Old English.
The four groups were Norse Influence, Latin Influence, North Germanic and Celtic influence.

3. In the Phonology section, name 5 phonetical differences between Old English & Modern English.
# [dʒ] es un alófono de /j/ geminada o tras /n/
# [ŋ] es un alófono de /n/ ante /k/ y /g/
# [v, ð, z] son alófonos de /f, θ, s/ respectivamente, entre vocales o consonantes sonoras
# [ç, x] son alófonos de /h/ en posición de coda tras vocales anteriores y posteriores respectivamente
# [ɣ] es un alófono de /g/ tras vocal y, en un estado temprano de la lengua, en posición inicial de sílaba

4. Are there any similarites between Old English and Modern English? Name them.
There are Monophthongs, Vowels, Diphtongs

5. In the Orthography section, enlarge the picture of the runic alphabet. How many letters (runes) are there in this alphabet?

There are 34 letters
6. Which epic poem was originally written in Old English?
The epic poem was written in Old English was Beowulf.
7. In the See Also section, click on: Beowulf. Appoximately when was Beowulf written?
The epic poem “Beowulf” was written between the 8th to the early 11th century.

8. Even though Beowulf was written in England, the story takes place in which countries?
Take place in Denamark and Sweden.

9. In the poem, which 3 antagonists does Beowulf battle or fight against?
In the poem, Beowulf, the antagonists were Grendel

10. What happens to Beowulf at the end of the story?
Beowulf is fatally wounded in the final battle

11. Who was the author of Beowulf?

12. What were the titles and the dates of the two film versions of Beowulf?
-The first tittle Beowulf Was in April o1 of 1999 by Graham Baker
-The second tittle Beowulf was in November 16th of 2007 by Robert Zemeckis.