lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009


1. What are some of the fears these highly successful writers have about writing?

When they start writing the book, they don't know if the book will be successful, they try to write several times. they have a lot of doubts in the success of this book

2. What are some of the difficulties they have when they are writing?

They have a lot ideas but they don’t know how to began the story

3. What are some of the positive aspects to writing?

They investigate the different ways in the life and the time that they spend doing this, the passion!

4. Do you feel these authors enjoy being writers? Why?

Yes, definitely they are so happy doing thins, because they love it, I think they find a great motivation to write

5. Is reading an important facet of writing? Why?

Ye, because, when I read different stories I can get more knowledge and different forms to write, improving your language, grammar and vocabulary.

6. in your opinion, what are the 3 most important things which will make your writing successful?

1. – I must to be creative and dedicate a lot of time to this one
2. – I need to write an interesting writing, with an amazing topic.
3. – the principal idea has to be clear and interesting for the reader.

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

COMPOSITION 1 / ASSIGNMENT 1/ topic or introductory sentence / BELTRAN, CHRISTIAN



Noun: Aword refering to a person, place, or thing

Verb: A word used to describe an occion

A word adding information about a noun

A word adding information, about an adjetive, verb or other adverb

A word used to connect words or clauses

A word used with a noun or pronoun to show place, preposition, time or method

Subject of a sentence:
The subject of a sentence is the thing or person in the sentence doing the action.

Object of a sentence:
the object is the person or things that receive the action in a sentence.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009


1.When was Old English spoken?
Old English was spoken between the mid-5th and the mid-12th century.

2. Name 4 language groups which influenced the development of Old English.
The four groups were Norse Influence, Latin Influence, North Germanic and Celtic influence.

3. In the Phonology section, name 5 phonetical differences between Old English & Modern English.
# [dʒ] es un alófono de /j/ geminada o tras /n/
# [ŋ] es un alófono de /n/ ante /k/ y /g/
# [v, ð, z] son alófonos de /f, θ, s/ respectivamente, entre vocales o consonantes sonoras
# [ç, x] son alófonos de /h/ en posición de coda tras vocales anteriores y posteriores respectivamente
# [ɣ] es un alófono de /g/ tras vocal y, en un estado temprano de la lengua, en posición inicial de sílaba

4. Are there any similarites between Old English and Modern English? Name them.
There are Monophthongs, Vowels, Diphtongs

5. In the Orthography section, enlarge the picture of the runic alphabet. How many letters (runes) are there in this alphabet?

There are 34 letters
6. Which epic poem was originally written in Old English?
The epic poem was written in Old English was Beowulf.
7. In the See Also section, click on: Beowulf. Appoximately when was Beowulf written?
The epic poem “Beowulf” was written between the 8th to the early 11th century.

8. Even though Beowulf was written in England, the story takes place in which countries?
Take place in Denamark and Sweden.

9. In the poem, which 3 antagonists does Beowulf battle or fight against?
In the poem, Beowulf, the antagonists were Grendel

10. What happens to Beowulf at the end of the story?
Beowulf is fatally wounded in the final battle

11. Who was the author of Beowulf?

12. What were the titles and the dates of the two film versions of Beowulf?
-The first tittle Beowulf Was in April o1 of 1999 by Graham Baker
-The second tittle Beowulf was in November 16th of 2007 by Robert Zemeckis.